Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ah...weigh in day

Ok, today was a weigh in day and I was up 4 pounds!!! From Sunday and a little bit of eating left overs on Monday (you are right Steve...party left overs are evil!!!) I am now up 4 pounds!! arg!! It's ok, it's just a little roadbump, not a road block!! I have exercised for an hour yesterday and today and my eating is back on track today. I need to think before I eat. I need to think if I really want to eat whatever sweet or high calorie thing, or if I want to lose more weight. I know it is a mind game for the most part. I know I can overcome cravings. I know I can. I was a little weak yesterday. I made apple dumplings for my father in law, but made six. I'm sending four to my in-laws and two are left here. I ate one yesterday and I felt so sick after I ate it. It did taste really good, but I just felt sick. So, I really didn't eat much more after that yesterday because I just couldn't. Plus, I don't eat before I go to Pilates class or I get sick. I did eat a little bit of chicken for dinner around 9pm last night.

Today is going a bit better. I workout out this morning for an hour, had a good breakfast and now have to figure out what I want to eat for lunch. I'll probably have a salad with chicken in it. I am back on track now and ready to lose more weight!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, setback is right, you know what you did wrong now change it. The scale is the blind beast that speaks no words, but knows when you do wrong and has no problem letting you know. Evil piece of machinery..

    Question: What is your game plan as far as nutrition? Are you counting calories? using weigh watchers? other plan? or winging it and guessing? Just curious.
    Nutrition is 100% of this process. No amount of exercise can change empty calories into quality ones.
    Shake it off....and move on to the next day. Make a plan and stick to it. Oh yeah, THROW OUT THAT LAST DUMPLING!!! They were not for you.
